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Covid 19 Update

A message from the team at Coco&Eve

During this extraordinary time, our customers, our staff, and our community are the most important thing and as always, shipping your orders carefully and in a timely manner is our highest priority.

In response to COVID-19 we are taking the following, necessary measures to ensure the safety and health of our warehouse and factory staff. We are still producing products safely and to the highest quality with these essential precautions put in place:

Operations have been adapted to run leaner, ensuring our team can maintain a safe physical distance from each other.
Shifts are being staggered to allow for fewer people to work at one time to allow for this distancing.

In addition our office staff are:

Practicing social distancing by having our office staff work from home
Enhancing/deepening cleaning and sanitizing procedures
Enforcing proper hand washing and cough/sneeze etiquette practices
Implementing strict protocols for reporting illness, self-isolation and/or self-quarantine

We are working closely with our delivery partners to ensure all orders are delivered as normal, and that the strictest of hygiene measures and social distancing are taking place in the process. However, as the situation evolves, there may be unexpected impacts on some orders. We will continue to monitor the situation however, if your order experiences a delay we will reach out to you as soon as possible.

For further detail around additional measures our delivery partners have in place, see below.

Find out more here: 

As a brand working with teams located all over the world, we are closely following the recommendations made by the World Health Organisation and respective local health authorities.

For any specific questions not answered here, our dedicated Customer Service Team is here for you. Check out our FAQ page for the latest updates across support channels and hours.

We appreciate your patience and understanding during these times.
Stay safe and stay home if you can.

Lots of love,
The Coco & Eve Team

Didn’t find your answer?

No worries, you can email us here.

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